—– This page is used in articular by members of the “Listening, Support and Information-GEAI”working group

Contact :

The GEAI is a group created since 2021. It is made up os volunteer officers from the unit and its main mis

Inform and sensitize the agents of the unit on the problem of psycholosocial risks (RPS) in the professional

Listen and accompany each agent in a situation of relational difficulties wich genrate discomfort and/or suffering, within conflicts in the unit, in complete confidentiality.

Develop actions to prevent PSR and all forms of harassment  and the violences within the unit

We are at your disposal and available at any time for any request relating to subjects/questions of being unwell at work related to relationship difficulties. You can contcat us by the following generic address or each member individually .

Presentation group

Members are : Colombine Bartholomée, Bernard Carcy, Valentin Chauvin, Florence Droguet, Stéphanie Jacquet, Sabrina Locatelli, Océane Rieu et Géraldine Tybayrenc.

Resources (Struggles against violence and Harassment at work )

Fondation l’OREAL : rapport sur Harcèlement sexuel et sexisme eu sein du monde scientifique

Santé mentale des doctorants : conférence par Adèle Combes

Lutte contre les violences sexuelles et sexistes : Formation CNRS-Coregal, Nov 2022

Enquête d’Arcardiscri (Octo 2022): Rapport “Expériences des discriminations dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche en France”


Awareness vidéos produced for and broardcast at the MIVEGEC 2022 GA to present examples of situations that pose problems at work (thanks to the volunteer actors!) :


Reporting procedures by supervisory authorities

 CNRS : Reporting protocol

Université de Montpellier : Reporting protocol

IRD : Reporting protocol

For further information contact the organizers