MIVEGEC 1point5

–This page is used in particular by members of the “Mivegec 1point5” working group.

Since 2019, Mivegec has set up a working group on the environmental impact of the laboratory’s activities. We carry out an annual carbon footprint assessment of the unit, raise awareness and propose concrete actions in the various aspects of life in the laboratory: bench, digital, waste, purchasing, energy, etc. (see the review or the presentation ).

The group is made up of volunteers of all statuses. If you would like to join us or simply find out more, please contact us here: mivegec1point5@ird.fr.


Carbon footprint

Mivegec1point5 has been carrying out a regular carbon footprint assessment since 2019. This makes it possible to identify the unit’s most significant impacts and to consider appropriate actions to reduce our environmental footprint. As in many biology laboratories, our greatest impact is linked to purchasing and then to travels.

Carbon footprint

Full report



We have created a number of practical tools to help you reduce your impact on a daily basis. Below you will also find simulators to help you assess the emissions associated with different activities.

Mission tree : questions and tips for reducing the impact of missions

Sustainable mobility package, employer support, how do I apply?

Have you heard of klaxit, the car-sharing application?

To reduce the impact of our purchases, we have set up a Ressourcerie  where you can exchange/give items you no longer use: equipment, reagents, products, digital equipment, office furniture, etc.

How can I buy reconditioned/second-hand equipment?

Who hasn’t been scared by the mountain of packaging waste / disposable trays generated during meals or coffee breaks at seminars / training courses? We provide a list of environmentally ethical suppliers in Montpellier. Don’t hesitate to help us improve it.

Simulators: some tools to assess your impact in different areas



The Environmental Good Practice Booklet  lists all the actions and proposals made by Mivegec1point5 to take action on a daily basis in the laboratory.

These actions are also available in the form of Posters: My low-carbon life in the unit, My low-carbon life in the lab .

Finally, the Green Minutes presented during the seminars provide concise illustrations of various subjects. They are grouped here by theme: Purchasing , Energy , Mobility , Digital , Life in the lab , Life in the unit.


Convention for a Ecologic and Social Transformation at the IRD : Final report , Classification of recommendations