Administration Navigation
—— This page is primarily used by members of the “MIVEGEC 1point5” working group.
Its purpose is to analyse the impact of laboratory activities on the environment. This group’s mission is thus to propose actions to reduce this impact. If you are interested in investing in this group, please or
- Carbon footprint
- Carbon footprint and work tool summaries: .docx .pdf
- Weblinks
- Suggestion box
- Sustainable metrics proposal
- MIVEGEC IRD missions report 2018
- Bilan sondage de la rentrée
Meeting minutes
- 16/09/2019 Proposal for the creation of the working group
- 27/09/2019 Presentation of the project during the MIVEGEC general meeting
- 04/10/2019 Minutes of the first meeting
- 04/11/2019 Minutes of the second meeting
- 04/12/2019 Minutes of the third meeting
- 17/01/2020 Minutes of the fourth meeting
- 28/02/2020 Minutes of the fifth meeting
- 12/11/2020 Meeting minutes
- 26/02/2021 Meeting minutes
MIVEGEC 1point5 group charter
- European Green Deal
- 2019-10 GreenResearch
- HCÉRES (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) recommendations
- Labos 1point5 collective
- LOCEAN (Laboratory of Oceanography and Climatology) working group
- LOCEAN working group – Assessment
- Practical guide to being eco-responsible at work
Digital practical guides:
- ADEME: how to reduce the environmental impact of working from home
- ADEME: the hidden face of digital technology
- Espace-Dev: Digital practical guide
- The true cost of videoconferencing
Mobility practical guides:
- ADEME: Mobility – 10 major points of discussion
- Road traffic pollution
- The mobility of tomorrow
- Business travel plans
- GLEAM (FAO): Environmental impact assessment of livestock
- 2007_GlobEnvChange_Lorenzoni_perception.pdf
- 2013_Nature_Bistulfi_reduce, reuse and recycle lab waste
- 2015_Nature_urbian_Labs should cut plastic waste too
- 2016_ClimChange_Attari_credibilit_chercheurs_clim.pdf
- 2017_BiolCons_Balmford_compare_cons-medecins-eco.pdf
- 2017_JCleanerProd_Liu_low_carbon_campuses.pdf
- 2018_FrontComm_Gunster_hypocrisie_climtq.pdf
- 2018_JranspGeo_Caset.pdf
- 2019-07_climate_emergency_Ripple_et_al.pdf
- 2019_JCleanerProd_Wynes_academic_air_travel.pdf
- 2019_Nature_Hamant_magasine_transports.pdf
- 2019_Sustainability_Nursey-Bray_transports_acadmq.pdf
- 2020_Nature: Sous-estimation du coût réel des voitures
- 2020 Commissariat général au développement durable: l’empreinte carbone des français reste stable
- Newsletter 1
- Minute Verte 18/03/21-Imprimer : économiser le papier
- Minute Verte 25/03/21-Imprimer : économiser encre et énergie
- Minute Verte 01/04/21-Mobilité douce
- Minute Verte 28 /04/21-Plastique au labo
- Minute Verte 27/05/21-Consommation d’énergie des ordinateurs
- Minute Verte 03/06/21-Recherche web responsable
- Minute Verte 08/06/21-Climatisation responsable
- Minute Verte 17/06/21-Consommation d’énergie dans les labos
- Minute Verte 01/07/21-Consommation énergétique des équipements numériques
- Minute Verte 02/09/21-Suivi environnemental des fournisseurs
- Minute Verte 30/09/21-Gestion du stockage froid
- Minute Verte 21/10/21-Consommation d’énergie des data centers
- Minute Verte 18/11/21-Bonne gestion du chauffage
- Minute Verte 25/11/21-Surfer avec sobriété
- Minute Verte 06/01/2022-Bilan carbone MIVEGEC 2019 / 2020
- Minute Verte 24/03/2022-Température congélateur
- Minute Verte 22/05/2022 – L’eau au travail
- Minute Verte 04/07/2022- Nettoyage numérique
- Minute Verte 24/11/2022 – commander sans gaspiller
- Minute Verte 22/06/2023 – Impact CO2 ordi