Continuous professional development
Our teaching programmes classified as “training and courses” under the “Field placements and summer schools; short training courses” section as well as those catering to second-year Master’s degree- and Doctorate-level students are available as continuing education programmes. We also offer the following:
- “Dermatophytosis” (Bioformation®) postgraduate programme (coordinator N. Bourgeois)
- Participation in the preparation of the internal Aggregation of Life Sciences – Earth and Universe Sciences (M. Sofonea)
- Co-organisation and co-coordination of training modules in bioinformatics, from the i-Trop platform transversal to JRUs hosted by the IRD Occitania centre (2018-présent ; V. Noel, site web i-Trop).
These training courses are aimed at permanent and contract staff and doctoral students from the five JRUs involved in i-Trop (DIADE, IPME, BOREA, TransVIHMI & MIVEGEC); (annual volume: approx. 5 modules of 1 to 4 days, and approx. 15-20 participants/module).
Didactics :
- Member of the Research Institute for Life and Earth Sciences created in 2018 (S. Hurtrez).
- Initiation to dual upper-secondary academic education on the didactisation of evolutionary biology, in partnership with the rectorate of the Montpellier Academy (coordinator 2018-présent : M. Sofonea)
approx. 60 secondary school teachers, 12 researchers and research professors, including three permanent MIVEGEC staff: S. Hurtrez, S. Alizon, M. Sofonea – 2018, 2019)