MIVEGEC’s mission
To employ integrative and transdisciplinary research to understand the mechanisms and genetic and non-genetic determinants behind the maintenance, amplification, and transmission of pathogenic agents in order to better comprehend the evolution of these infectious systems and to improve the ways in which we control them.
5 scientific departments
MIVEGEC brings together 123 tenured members – researchers, research professors, engineers, and technicians- from the IRD (Research Institute for Development), the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research), and the University of Montpellier who work in Montpellier and around the world.

Technical platforms
MIVEGEC hosts and contributes to:
Online tools
Heritage and entomological tools created by MIVEGEC and made publicly available:
Collaborative centres
MIVEGEC works with national reference centres and a network of scientific platforms.
- Collectif TIS (Sterile Insect Technique Collective)
- Vectopôle
- CREEC (Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Cancer Research)
- MEEDiN (Montpellier Ecology and Evolution of DIsease Network)
International structures
MIVEGEC participates in scientific projects in partnership with various international structures.
- CANECEV (Cancer Ecology & Evolution)
- DRISA (Drug Resistance in South East Asia)
- GRAVIR (Research Network for Arthropod Vectors in Central Africa)
- IMPALA (Impact of the Fight Against Malaria in Cameroon)
- LAMIVECT (International Joint Laboratory on Vector-Borne Diseases)
- SENTINELA (International Joint Laboratory on Cross-Border Observatories of Environment, Climate, and Vector-Borne Diseases)
- STIMULI (The Role of the Mosquito Bite on the Dynamics and Infectiousness to Mosquito of Asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum Carriers in Ghana)
research teams
scientists and technicians
doctoral students
publications / year
research contracts / year
Vous trouverez à disposition les différentes diapositives présentées lors des séminaires MIVEGEC qui décrivent les actions menées par le groupe 1 point 5 sur les minutes vertes. Minutes vertes 2021 de Décembre à Mars. Minute Verte 06/01/2022-Bilan carbone MIVEGEC 2019...
Dengue : un virus très manipulateur
Les travaux de scientifiques français et singapouriens révèlent la surprenante influence du virus de la dengue sur le comportement des moustiques qui transmettent cette maladie aux humains. Explications de Julien Pompon ici.