Research agreement / Own resources
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Remember to copy Audrey RAVAT in on all research agreement requests (all supervisory bodies combined).
For all contracts related to a research project with a public or academic partner, please contact the SPCR (Partnerships & Research Contracts department) for your Occitania regional delegation at the following address:
To keep track of the budget for your agreement, request access to the MAP tool from, indicating the WBS element created.
For all contracts related to the promotion of a research project with a private partner, please contact the SRIV (Regional Promotion & Innovation department) for your Occitania regional delegation at the following address:
When putting together your agreement application, please contact the SPV (Partnerships & Promotions department) according to the following categories:
- Industry & Promotions department
BAICHERE Merryl 04 67 61 34 85
Or - French National AAP (Call for Projects) department
FISSEAU Audrey 04 67 61 35 75 - European Research & International Collaboration department
ACHOUR Assya 04 67 61 34 91
- SIAP (Engineering & Project Support) department:
The Engineering & Project Support department (SIAP) is a team dedicated to helping with setting up and supporting national, European, and international research projects (ANR [French National Research Agency], Occitania region, ERASMUS+, H2020, etc.).
Applications are split up by programme and by call for projects between the various agents in the department. Send your requests to: - SCV (Contracts & Promotions) department:
The Contracts & Promotions department (SCV) is a team dedicated to negotiating research contracts and collaborations with industrial and institutional partners, and supporting the promotion of research results (protection of intellectual property, technology transfers, public-private gateways, patents, software, project maturity, business creation, etc.).
Contact: Ly-Yann KAUV ,