Biology of viral infections: Emergence, Diffusion, Impact, Control, Elimination (EDIFICE)
From animals to humans: an ideal channel for viruses
Viral diseases still represent the greatest cause of death in humans today, and constitute a real obstacle to development. On one hand, new viral diseases are constantly appearing following transfer from animal sources, namely in tropical regions. On the other hand, despite the existing means of control, the burden of chronic viral diseases remains extensive. Finally, other diseases reappear following changes in the environment or in the balance between the pathogen and its host. The EDIFICE department offers multidisciplinary research from an interventional perspective based on improving knowledge of the appearance and spread of viral diseases in humans, the fight and prevention against epidemics, as well as the treatment of viral infections and their consequences.
research teams
permanent members
Virus – arbovirus – coronavirus – COVID 19 – emergence – zoonosis – chronicity – resistance – control

Primary objectives:
To understand the emergence and spread of viral diseases affecting populations in tropical regions with a view to eliminating human-to-human transmission.
Specific objectives
- To understand how viruses are transmitted to humans from a non-human source
- To understand how viruses are spread within the human species
- To assess control methods that work to stop human-to-human transmission
- To understand and characterise the failures of control methods
- To understand and characterise the associated diseases (infectious or not) that result from the persistence of viral infections in humans
EDIFICE department news
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