
Along with research and training, expertise is among MIVEGEC’s three main missions. Whether performed individually or collectively, an expert assessment can apply to the evaluation of a product such as an insecticide, a structure such as CIRDES (International Centre for Research & Development of Animal Husbandry in Sub-Humid Zones), or a programme. It can also make it possible to estimate the utility of a strategy, such as the use of a drug; to evaluate a risk, such as that of malaria in a given region, or of Rift Valley fever; or to determine the current state of the art with an aim to establish recommendations (infectious diseases and climate change, vector control).

Due to their research skills, the research professors, researchers, and engineers of the MIVEGEC unit are thus often called upon to carry out expert assessments; their reports can take on the form of review papers, books, press releases, or web pages.

They are also called upon to review articles for numerous journals.


Expert assessments and evaluations

Report on the CNEV (National Centre of Expertise on Vectors) working groups for the ministries responsible for health and agriculture

Reference collections

Underway: Report expected July 2013, Participation of Gilbert Le Goff

Participation of Gilbert Le Goff

Insecticide resistance

Underway: Report expected July 2013

Participation of Fabrice Chandre, Frédéric Darriet

Surveillance and control of Aedes albopictus in metropolitan and overseas France

June 2012

Participation of Didier Fontenille

CNEV responses to referrals from the ministries responsible for health and agriculture

DGS referral for an opinion on the Ae. albopictus surveillance network in metropolitan France

May 2013

Participation of Didier Fontenille

DGS referral for an opinion on the “Distribution of Ixodes ricinus in France and the main determinants in the modification of its distribution”

May 2013

Participation of Elsa Léger, Didier Fontenille

DGS referral for an opinion on the Ae. albopictus surveillance network in metropolitan France

May 2012

Participation of Didier Fontenille

Referral relating to the possibility of indigenous transmission of malaria following the identification of four cases of malaria on a ship

November 2011

Participation of Didier Fontenille

Referral relating to Hylesia metabus, agent responsible for Caripito itch in French Guiana

August 2011

Participation of Vincent Robert

Emerging infectious diseases: situation report and outlook

2011 : Expert examination coordinated by C. Leport and JF Guégan on behalf of the French High Council for Public Health, Ministry of Health – La Documentation française. Presentation and report.

French National Adaptation Plan for Climate Change – Health section – Inter-Ministerial and Parliamentary Group report.

2010 : Expert examination chaired by JF Guégan

Clinical practice guidelines (CPG) for anti-vectorial personal protection

2008-2010 : V. Robert is a member of the organising committee and the working group (chaired by G. Duvallet), F. Chandre is a member of a sub-working group, and F. Darriet is an external expert. The sponsors are the Society of Travel Medicine and the French Society of Parasitology ; financial support is provided by the DGS (Directorate-General of the French Ministry of Health) and a favorable opinion has been given by AFSSAPS (French Agency for the Safety of Health Products). IRD is one of the partners.

CIRDES external evaluation mission

(International Centre for Research & Development of Animal Husbandry in Sub-Humid Zones, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso), April 2009:

  • Institutional expert assessment by B. Hubert (INRA, president of the commission), V. Robert (IRD), A. Bricout (AIRD), M.C. Deboin (CIRAD), P.C. Lefèvre, C. Ly, J.R. Kamga (CORAF). PDF
  • Evaluation mission report by A. Bricout, M.C. Deboin, B. Hubert, P.C. Lefèvre, C. Ly, J.R. Kamga, V. Robert – 69 pp.

Vector control in France

2009 Expert examination by D. Fontenille – IRD Éditions, coll. – 536 p. + CD-ROM

Evaluation mission for anopheles control

(Mayotte, France), October 2008 :

  • Institutional expert assessment by V. Robert and C. Lagneau (EID Méditerranée) at the request of the DASS Mayotte.
  • Advisory and support mission for the implementation of integrated vector control in Mayotte by V Robert & C Lagneau (6-10 October 2008).
  • IRD and EID Méditerranée report of 09/03/2009 – 53 pp. PDF

Thoughts on the risk of yellow fever in Mayotte

By D. Fontenille, in response to referral D/08/MD/BT/SF of the French High Council for Public Health’s committee on travel-related and imported diseases of 19 September 2008 – 8 p.

The qualitative effects of climate change on health in France – Inter-Ministerial Group report

2008 : Expert examination coordinated by M. Delavière and JF Guégan – La Documentation française – accessible here:

Evaluation mission on mosquito nets and other materials impregnated with insecticide

By a group of AFSSET (French Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) experts, coordinated by Briand and Rousselle: P. Carnevale, F. Darriet, F. Hubert, P. Delaunay, X. Deparis, J.P. Jaeg, F. Legros, F. Pagès, V. Robert :

  • Assessment of the risks associated with the use of insecticide products for impregnating mosquito nets and clothing in the context of the Chikungunya epidemic on Réunion Island. Referral no. 2006/007.
  • Report of the AFSSET working group ( on “Impregnation products for mosquito nets and fabrics” – April 2007 – 91pp

Working towards a better knowledge of vectors and how to control them

2006: Report by D. Fontenille on Science and Technology for the French Academy of Sciences, RST24: Control of infectious diseases: 299-314.

Emergence of Chagas disease in French Guiana – Assessment in 2005 and outlook

Report produced by D. Jeannel, F. Noireau and P. Chaud from InVS (French Institute for Public Health Surveillance).

Evaluation mission for anopheles control in French Guiana

  • Institutional expert assessment by V. Robert (IRD) at the request of the Guyana DSDS (Department of Health & Social Development).
  • Final report (link to PDF) of an organisational study of anopheles control in French Guiana – August 2004 – 75 pp. PDF

At-risk airports:

  • Report by D. Fontenille (2003) on the control of Dengue virus vectors in airports and aircraft departing from overseas departments and territories; updating the list of at-risk airports for the committee on travel-related and imported diseases. Directorate-General of the French Ministry of Health. DOC/LIN/IRD/38/03. PDF
  • Report by D. Fontenille (2003) on at-risk airports requiring the disinsection of aircraft for the committee on travel-related and imported diseases. Directorate-General of the French Ministry of Health. DOC/LIN/IRD/20/03- 22p. PDF

Study mission on the resistance of malaria and vectors on the Island of Grande Comore

February-March 2001, then January-June 2003: Expert assessment by V. Robert (IRD and Institut Pasteur of Madagascar) and F. Ariey (Institut Pasteur of Madagascar) at the request of the Ministry of Health of the Comoros.

Study mission on the malaria situation in Mayotte

January 2002: Expert assessment by V. Robert (IRD and Institut Pasteur of Madagascar) and F. Ariey (Institut Pasteur of Madagascar) at the request of the Directorate-General of Health.