Christophe paupy

Christophe paupy


DS : Evolution des Systèmes Vectoriels (ESV)
Equipe(s) :
DEEVA (Diversity, Ecology, Evolution & Adaptation of arthropod vectors)

Grade :
DR1 (Directeur de recherche 1ere classe)

Adresse email : christophe.paupy[at]



Implantation :
IRD Montpellier
Bureau : 133

Appartenance :




Thématique :

I am a medical entomologist with a special interest in Arbovirus and zoonotic Plasmodium transmission. My skills span 1) vector characterization (mosquito sampling, taxonomy, biology and ecology, population genetics), 2) patterns of pathogen transmission in various environments (pathogen screening, mosquito trophic preferences, vector competence study in BSL3 labs) and vector control (entomological surveillance, insecticide resistance, etc). My ongoing research programs (ANR TIGERBRIDGE, EU H2020 ZIKALLIANCE & INFRAVEC2) fit into "Onehealth" framework and aim to i) study the invasion of Ae. albopictus in forest ecosystems and the resulting health risks; ii) develop innovative tools for monitoring the circulation of pathogens in high-risk interfaces. I lead the GDRI-SUD GRAVIR that aims to support young medical entomologists from Central Africa, through networking activities.

Expertises :

Non précisé