Olivier roux

Olivier roux


DS : Evolution des Systèmes Vectoriels (ESV)
Equipe(s) :
DEEVA (Diversity, Ecology, Evolution & Adaptation of arthropod vectors)

Grade :
CRHC (Chargé de recherche classe normale)

Adresse email : olivier.roux[at]ird.fr



Implantation :
IRD Montpellier
Bureau : 127

Appartenance :




Thématique :

I am a behavioral and chemical ecologist with a focus on insect interactions and their consequences on life history traits and evolution. I am working on both the mating system and the larval ecology of Anopheles mosquitoes. On adults, I am focusing on chemical, visual and acoustic cues used by females to detect, recognize, and join conspecific male swarms. On larvae, I am working on the impact of larval stresses on their behavioral plasticity and physiology.

Expertises :

Non précisé

Projets associés :