Thierry lefevre

Thierry lefevre


DS : Evolution des Systèmes Vectoriels (ESV)
Equipe(s) :
TRIAD (Transmission - Interactions - Adaptations hôtes / vecteurs / pathogènes)

Grade :
DR2 (Directeur de recherche 2eme classe)

Adresse email : thierry.lefevre[at]



Implantation :
IRD Montpellier
Bureau : 353

Appartenance :




Thématique :

I work on the evolutionary ecology of insect host-parasite interactions. I am particularly interested in investigating the effects of genetic and environmental factors on antagonistic coevolution, the evolution of host behaviour manipulation by parasites, the evolution of host behavioral immunity, and the ecological significance of parasites within ecosystems. Most of my recent research has focused on anopheles mosquito vector-malaria parasite associations with the aim of better understanding the consequences of genetic and environmental variations on parasite transmission.

Expertises :

Non précisé