On 9-10th May, Julio Benavides participated as a Chilean representative in the regional workshop ‘Regional Meeting on Experiences in the Treatment and Control of Scabies in Vicuñas’, hosted in Lima Peru by the Peruvian National Service of Forestry and Wildlife (SERFOR) with the support of WCS-Peru. Academics, researchers, NGOs, public authorities from Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Chile, and leaders of all the Peruvian and Bolivian communities managing Vicugnas, discussed possible solutions for the mange outbreaks affecting south American camelids.
DS 2 Actualités : Regional Meeting on Experiences in the Treatment and Control of Scabies in Vicuñas
Par : katia.grucker@ird.fr|Publié le : Mai 22, 2023|Catégories : DS2 : EPATH| 0 commentaires